bikablo: Top in the SZ training ranking
In the 2024 continuing education ranking by Süddeutsche Zeitung (largest german broadsheet newspaper), our visualization training ranks at the top in the creative field – even ahead of major providers like Udemy or ZEIT Akademie. How is it that we, as a relatively small ‘training boutique,’ perform so well?

A wonderful validation of our many years of work:
94.1 out of 100 points for continuing education in the creative field in the current ranking by the SZ Institute
Admittedly, we were initially surprised. Not by how we performed—we know from participant feedback that the content, didactics, and methodology of our visualization training are top-notch. Rather, we were surprised to be mentioned as a small ‘training boutique’ among major providers like iversity, Udemy, and ZEIT Akademie.
With such quality awards, skepticism is naturally warranted at first: we constantly receive spam emails offering top positions in dubious rankings, where you ultimately just pay a lot of money for a meaningless label.
All the more gratifying that it can be different: The SWI (Social Science Institute Schad), on behalf of the SZ Institute, has examined the continuing education market according to scientific standards:
“The aim of the SWI study was to capture a sentiment snapshot of customers of providers of general continuing education offerings. To achieve this, customer opinions were gathered in two ways: through a digital customer survey and by analyzing the sentiment on the internet (social listening). Only continuing education providers that received a total of at least 100 votes in their respective category were considered (…)“
The explanation is probably quite simple: “In recent years, we have empowered several thousand people across the world to think with the pen. And a bikablo training simply remains in memory as a very special learning experience.”
“Anyway – the award encourages us to continue on the path we’ve taken.”
More about the ranking and the research methodology here (german only).
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