
The bikablo Visual Facilitator Program

The one-of-a-kind certificate training to become a visual process facilitator.


Visual process support: a groundbreaking vision in 6 modules

As a visual facilitator, you are a mediator of knowledge, dialogue facilitator and process consultant with a pen. Visualization is a way to tangibly support groups and teams in understanding complex situations and finding solutions. You get to tap into the extensive practical knowledge and experience of our trainers, visual storytellers, graphic recorders, visual facilitators and consultants in this worldwide, one-of-a-kind training courses!

(This program is currently only available in German)

As a visual facilitator, you make complex content and different perspectives visible, provide prompts to spark conversation, structure thoughts, capture results, provide reflection and thus ensure a common understanding. You work with a group to develop the proverbial “big picture” of a project. Visual approaches such as thought sketches, visual models, posters and complex strategic visualizations help you support and develop large and small change processes in organizations.

Are you a systemic coach or an agile team leader? Do you want to visualize complex knowledge or create dialog spaces for groups? Do you need visualization for the big picture or the small solutions in everyday life? Do you want to present, document or explore together? An introductory module and four methodological elective modules (can also be booked individually) and a joint conclusion offer you an individual learning journey through the main disciplines of visualization.

The curriculum at a glance

  • The curriculum consists of six 2-3 day modules.
  • You can book the full program or book the modules individually.
  • To graduate with the certificate “Visual Facilitator trained by bikablo”, you attend module A and C and choose at least two of the four B modules.
  • The modules take place several times a year as face-to-face trainings.
  • We also offer certain modules as online training.
  • Each module can also be booked individually as an in-house training course.

the modules

(can also be booked individually)


Module A – Visual Storytelling

Developing visual stories to communicate ideas.

•Three-day classroom or online training • Focus: Visualization techniques for presentations.


Module B1 – Graphic Recording

Listening and translating content in real-time into knowledge maps.

• Three-day classroom or online training • Focus: Live visualization techniques and large format documentation.

Module B2 – Visual Meeting Facilitation

Shaping conversations with mapping techniques and other visual methods.

 • Three-day classroom training • Focus: Visualization methods for group process work.

Module B3 – Visual Coaching

Using the pen to guide people to their goals.

 • Two-day classroom or online training • Focus: Visualization methods for individual coaching process work.

Module B4 – Visual Process Mapping

Drawing together to illustrate, analyze and improve processes.

• Two-day classroom or online training • Focus: Visualization methods for strategy and process optimization.


Module C – Visual Consulting

Providing consulting in organizational development through process work with a pen.

• Three-day classroom training • Focus: Finding your own identity as a visual consultant.

Upcoming Training Dates

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    Things to know

    • Each module is self-contained in terms of content, didactics, and methodology. They build on each other, but can also be booked individually.
    • Module C (Visual Consulting) is recommended if you intend on completing the certificate program and have already attended at least one other module.
    • If you book several modules or the entire program, we recommend that you attend each module in sequence A – B – C.
    • There is no recommended sequence within the elective modules (B).
    • If you book at least four (4) modules including; Module A, at least 2 Module B training courses and Module C, you will receive the “Visual Facilitator trained by bikablo” certificate with a list of all modules you completed.
    • More detailed information about the curriculum can be found on our FAQ page.
    "Super introduction to all topics, nice inspiratipnen, good atmosphere. A successful course."
    About the basics training
    Hier klicken
    "I left the seminar exhilarated, with a desire to keep at it. I will choose the appropriate symbols for myself and apply, apply, apply... I can highly recommend the seminar."
    Monique Moretti
    Hier klicken
    "This was the most delightful seminar I have attended in ages! Thank you again!"
    Karen S. Krönert
    Hier klicken
    "I feel richly endowed. It was always something new and again something more. Great. I think it's an absolutely well-rounded thing. I feel happy, exhausted, thank you!"
    Claudia Henrichs
    Hier klicken
    The fear of drawing has suddenly disappeared. Great joy has set in during the design process. And I'm full of drive to put what I've learned into practice."
    Katharina Bertsch
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    Do you have any questions about the Visual Facilitator Program?

    Talk to us personally! We can be reached by phone or email.

    Consultation on the Visual Facilitator Program: Julie Junginger

    Modules as in-house training:
    Susann Figueredo Hechavarria

    Profilfoto Susann Figueredo

    bikablo as pioneer for Visual Facilitation

    bikablo ® and the bikablo technique (also bikablo visualization technique) originate from the tradition of participatory change processes. After the turn of the millennium, we started as a visual facilitator and graphic recorder under the flag of the organizational consultancy Kommunikationslotsen. Since 2011 bikablo exists as a registered trademark, since 2015 we are an own global company based in Cologne with over 60 freelancers.

    Our division bikablo bildwerk offers the whole range of visualization as process support, consulting and service. Thousands of aspiring visual thinkers, visual facilitators and graphic recorders have taken their first steps with the bikablo academy. With the bikablo technique we have developed a structured, quickly learnable language of visual elements, which we also bring into the world in our visual dictionaries and learning products. With our bestseller “UZMO – Thinking with the Pen”, we published the first comprehensive practical book for the different varieties of visualization in 2014.

    We make all the knowledge and the most successful methods from bikablo’s long history of success available to the world in the Visual Facilitator Certificate Program.

    Why take the Visual Facilitator Program?

    What is a visual facilitator?

    Facilitation means “to accompany” or “to facilitate”. In the context of organizational consulting, group work, meetings, conferences, training, seminars, and workshops, facilitators are conversation supporters or moderators. Visual facilitators are process facilitators with a pen. Making content and group dynamics “visible” with graphics, images and text is a core competence and the basis for a wide variety of conversation tools.

    In the Visual Facilitator Certificate Program, we use the term as an overarching professional role. In addition to visualization-based facilitation of meetings and workshops, this role also includes consulting and execution skills in the areas of visual storytelling/visual presentation, graphic recording, visual process optimization or client consulting for visualization interventions.