Pandemic passion
During the pandemic I’ve really found my passion for visualizing and illustrating on the iPad. No matter whether it’s your personal customer journey, a visual CV, a quick book summary or simply a pretty lettering piece: using Procreate and working digitally brings lots of joy and happiness into my days.
Some magic moments
Using visual tools to facilitate meetings – be it in an agile context or not – is absolutely magical to me. To make the invisible clear and transparent is a key aspect I enjoy guiding groups and teams towards.
Trainings von Katrin Bernreiter
Block posts recommended by Katrin Bernreiter
The bikablo x-mas calendar is back!
From the 1st to the 24th of December there will be a new door every day at the bikablo x-mas calendar on Instagram. Here our
The digital grab bag
A strategy image workshop spontaneously switched to online by bikablo bildwerk enabled surprising insights: Here are the five most important takeaways on virtual collaboration.
Visualization and Agility
A marriage made in heaven: A new online training specifically for agile coaches, scrum masters, product owners, agile development and organization transformation teams.