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bikablo emotions Online Collection


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Small figures with big feelings –
Your entry to the world of visual storytelling

All 300 figures and visualised situations of the Visual Dictionary bikablo emotions with valuable digital additional features. In English and German.

Figures in emotional situations are ideal tools for uncovering group dynamics, bringing the unspoken to the table, expressing needs and reaching a common understanding.

For this, bikablo founder Martin Haussmann, has developed two systematic figure types – one very simple and one more complex. They are designed to carry out activities, to stand up to complex interpersonal situations, and to represent a wide variety of emotional situations.

With the emotions figures you can represent actions, emotions and situations so simply and accurately that they will quickly become your constant companions – in coaching, training, mediation, projects and team development. All illustrations are designed in the systematic and easy-to-learn drawing technique that we also teach  in our visualization trainings.

What you can look forward to:

  • Visualization and coloring techniques for flipchart and pinboard and a design guide for the figures
  • Step-by-step-videos that help you to trace the simple and complex figures
  • Emoticons, emotional symbols and speech bubbles
  • Positive and negative emotional worlds, represented by the simple and more elaborate emotion figures (e.g. relaxed, grateful, overloaded, disoriented)
  • Human needs according to Marshall Rosenberg (e.g. autonomy, physical well-being, connection)
  • Emotional challenges paired with their resolution (e.g., “falling out” and “reconciling”)

From the contents


Step by step drawing guide of the figures


Fast emotion visualisations like on your smartphone ;-)

Emotional symbols and speech bubbles

Represent feelings quite simply symbolically

Emotional Worlds

Positive and negative emotional states with the simple and the elaborated figure type


What do we need personally, physically, mentally, spiritually, and from those around us?

Emotional situations

Symbolic situations and conflicts in pairs, groups and leadership situations – and how they can be resolved

Instruction videos

Step-by-step video instructions for your own image combinations and posters

What else would you like to know?

The Online Collection is not an e-book, but a cloud-based, living digital platform with some special additional features. Among other things, you will also find the images that you know from the printed Visual Dictionary with the same name.

An Online Collection is also not a clipart collection from which you can download images into external programs. The keyworded images are – as in the visual dictionaries – designed as templates and sources of inspiration for your own drawings. 

  • You can purchase our Online Collections in our Web Store. Please learn that It is not available in the InApp-Store in the bikablo App. 
  • With the purchase you create a bikablo user account with a password and get access to your customer area.There you can use the Online Collection immediately.
  • If you already have a bikablo account, the Online Collection will be added to your products automatically.
  • Be careful not to accidentally create a second account with a different email address. We use the platform elopage.

You can use your bikablo products device-independently in the web browser and the bikablo App (Android and iOS, see below). As desktop browser we recommend Firefox or Google Chrome.

In the bikablo App you have the online collection available with one click. The navigation is optimized for mobile devices and especially clearer on smartphones.

There is a linked key word index in German and English. By clicking you will get to a page where you can find the corresponding image. Unfortunately our platform can’t link directly to the image yet, so you might have to scroll a bit ;-) Also there is no search function with text input yet. We are working on it!

Our images, videos, training concepts and other content are subject to copyright. Learn more about it here.

This product only works on one device at a time. Switching to another device may take up to 5 minutes.

When you use your Online Collection in the bikablo app, you can download the entire product or individual lessons to your device for offline use. “Download” does not mean that you can save individual images from it to another location on your device. 

The plan is to keep this product permanently available for you. However, we cannot predict the future. Strategic or technical reasons could lead us to stop offering it in this form at some point. In any case, we guarantee a period of 24 months from purchase, as long as our platform elopage makes this technically possible. You can find out more in our terms and conditions in the footer.

Get your visual vocabulary

The Visual Dictionaries and Learning Tools from bikablo have been standard and “must-haves” in the visualization community for almost two decades. Thousands of visualizers have taken their first steps with them. And a whole generation of graphic recorders, visual facilitators and visual storytellers use them as a source and inspiration for apt visual ideas.

Did you know? All the images in our Online Collections are also printed in the respective Visual Dictionary.

Everything at a click: the new bikablo App

With the bikablo app for tablet and smartphone, you can take all your webinars, video trainings, online collections and digital products from bikablo with you. You get the bikablo Top 55 Visuals and the Meetup Kit for our online meetups for free.


Any questions?

Talk to us personally! We can be reached by phone or email.

Open trainings:
Julie Junginger

In-house trainings:
Carola Keitel

You can find support for the bikablo app, online store, video training and digital products on our FAQ page.

Profilfoto Carola Keitel


Visit our other sections

Start a visualization project with bikablo bildwerk


Using the visual language with our tools and books



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