Visualization trainings

Andrea Rawanschad

Lawyer, Mediator, Facilitator/Visual Facilitator

May I introduce myself briefly: Andrea from beautiful Aachen. A lawyer by training with a focus on labor law, she is now a (visual) facilitator, mediator, trainer, author, and enthusiastic online host. What unites all this? It’s about finding coherent solutions with people and helping them to understand each other (or themselves). In doing so, I always have a pen in my hand and thus work with image, heart and mind. Groups and organizations in particular benefit from this.

Visible togetherness

I like people. And that’s why I love everything about Visual (Meeting) Facilitation: When people meet and we explore topics with the pen in a structured dialogue, make plans, discuss crunchy topics courageously and ideally everyone becomes visible in their very own competence and can contribute at eye level. This can be in smaller groups or in a large group. My absolute favorite training is therefore the Visual Meeting Facilitation Training in the bikablo curriculum; when in addition to the visualization in real time there is also the dialogue with the group and the pen either leads or follows and always listens attentively, sorts, makes visible – also and especially in complex situations. If in such a way a space can be given, in which in the good cooperation something develops. And to enable others to also experience this great feeling of working intensively with a group on common topics or solutions with ease using the pen, that is then the icing on the cake.

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I am a GoodNotesGirl

A second topic of the heart, which I enthusiastically tell everyone who is not up in the trees: I am a GoodNotesGirl and hereby oute myself as a self-confessed fan, convinced user, adept expert of digital notes with GoodNotes. Digital sketchnotes, presenting from GoodNotes, conversation notes, daily or weekly planning, my bookkeeping, etc. I organize (almost) my entire personal and professional life with it. What I like so much about GoodNotes? I can use it like paper and at the same time enjoy the benefits of the digital world. Of course, I can also implement everything from the bikablo visualization here. Here, too, it’s the mixture that makes it so exciting: a clear structure and creative design go hand in hand.

Trainings from Andrea Rawanschad


    Pictures from Andrea Rawanschad


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