"Puzzling" as a job description
As a colleague of Martin Haussmann, then in a Cologne office partnership, I did the first final artwork of a bikablo book. Since then, many new products have emerged, in the development of which I was also involved as a graphic designer.
Now I “sniff out” the needs of the participants and find the right offer for them from our portfolio. My favorite activity, however, is solving problems. Preferably those of others 🙂 Often I find a quick way to bring things together, try out new possibilities and can use my experience in other contexts.
Jigsawing the dates, locations and trainers in the training calendar is the biggest challenge every year. In the end, everything turns out well or even better – and so far it has always been worth putting all our efforts into it.
Blog posts recommends by Julie Junginger

United Colors of bikablo: The Trailer for 2022!
Working remotely yet drawing something together – that’s our message for 2022!

Our bikablo Emotions Book has a New Look!
Our bestseller “bikablo emotions” is now handier, more compact and with a new binding – but all the familiar content. Lovable!

Three Cheers for “bikablo Posters”!
Wow – we are excited and proud that we finally made it! This is the most sophisticated book of visual templates we’ve ever designed: With