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A Look Inside bikablo E-xtraClass
How do I keep up after the basics training? With the bikablo e-xtraClass, the online format for practicing, exchanging and deepening! Trainer Michaela Ruhfus reveals what all basics graduates can now look forward to.

The cooperation partners of bikablo
Together we are stronger! That is why we have chosen the best companions for our projects.

bikablo macht Schule gets reinforcement!
After mainly teachers have met with bikablo so far, our newest member is brain researcher Prof. Dr. Martin Hirsch with the “Visual Summary” approach.

Digital visualization and tablets – Part 1: Tips, tricks and new possibilities
Visualization doesn’t always require paper and pen – using a tablet to draw is also a lot of fun! This has become especially true ever since the iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil together revolutionized digital illustration.

Using Visualization in Your Career – Something Everyone Can Do!
At a recent training session in Switzerland, I saw an excellent example of how to put visualization to use during a presentation: Thinking with the pen can be integrated into everyday work life in a wide variety of ways.

Clusters, Chunks and Hierarchies – Three Rules for Poster Visualization
Using posters to visualize complex topics or processes is an ideal way to facilitate clarity. Tips for what to pay attention to when preparing a visual presentation.