bikablo Meetup 8. 11.: drawing transformation
We will create a global image library of aspects of personal, organizational and societal change.
8. 11. 2022, 10:00 and 16.30 (GMT+1) In English with German simultaneous translation
What awaits you?
Personal transformation and corporate change, digitalization or societal transition – hardly any visualizer does not deal with aspects of change. As many faces this topic has, as urgent is the need to give them a shape. As visual thinkers, we can invite reflection, dialogue and co-creation with appropriate image offerings.
This will be our Meetup:
We collect together terms, aspects and situations of transformation from our respective professional fields.
bikablo founder Martin Haussmann will give a methodical Iconize-it visualization input: How do I get from the dry concept to the right image idea?
Drawing time! We grab the pen and give each other visual implementations of the submitted terms …
and thus obtain a comprehensive, intercultural image database.
Plus, there’s a premiere: we’re releasing the first bikablo Online Collection with 400 icons, key images and situationsfor PC, smartphone and tablet.
It’s going to be awesome! And because we invite all time zones to this action, the Meetup will take place twice: At 10:00 and 16:30 (GMT+1) – both in English with simultaneous German translation.
Be there and bring your drawing material – and look forward to winning training vouchers, the new bikablo 1 Online Collection and a surprise from!

Get the app and the Meetup Kit!
The bikablo Meetup Kit in the new bikablo app (iOS/Android) is your companion for our online meetups: You’ll be the first to learn about new dates and topics, watch video recordings of past Meetups, and receive valuable additional materials.
We will soon also release our other freebie, „bikablo Top55 visuals“ in English language. Stay tuned!
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